Types of rangoli to draw in 5 minutes

Easy 5 Types of Rangoli to draw in few minutes- Rangoli making video tutorial

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Nowadays everybody wants instant & fast work either it in arts decoration or house hold works. people who has interest in any creative work like mehandi, rangoli, painting or sketching, they have lot of interest in it but they didn't tried it as its time taking activities, so today we are taking about simple steps which make instant art work. 

In rangoli we can try DOT RANGOLI, FREE HAND RANGOLI, SANSKAR BHARATI RANGOLI, as well as PORTRAIT RANGOLI or NATURE POSTERS, any type of rangoli, if we can try any short tips it could be easier & faster 

 Easy 5 Tips to Draw Rangoli in few minutes

1.    Free hand rangoli –

This is simple & easy way to draw big rangoli. If you are knows basic shapes of rangoli, by using 2 or 3 shapes from that. We can draw big free hand rangoli. Only we have to imagine good color combinations, because, in free hand rangoli, drawings are not matter but color combination effects more on visibility, here we are giving video of sample free hand rangoli tutorial. He performing with 3 design only but it creating big rangoli ultimately 

  2.Simple Sanskar bharati
This is the traditional way of drawing rangoli, in this type typical colors and designs are chooses, first draw 2 3 circles as showing in tutorial and then fill colors in it, but color combination matters a lot. Ether go light to dark colors or from dark to light colors

Here is sample tutorial with simple design & easy combination

3. Easy portrait rangolies

Sometime people trying celebrity face or their favorite person poster directly without practice, but if you want my opinion, please do start with idle posters like symbols or god posters for practice, don’t try direct drawing of any poster, first draw outline of it and then fill colors, if your outline is good and getting well shape than your rangoli will be perfect in visibility after filling colors 

4.    Rangolies in small area or borders designs

In apartment areas where free space for creative work is very less, so for that such kind of area managing rangolies are useful, it’s getting noticeable, Small flowers can be drawn as well as small shapes can be mixed with it, for such border rangolies, only we have to practice a group of design which we have to repeat it in proper manner. Check sample tutorial for it 

5.    Small Creative rangolies

If you are tried traditional rangolies frequently, from the traditional cloud creative rangolies are always differs, creative rangoli can be in any shape and in any design its depending on your imagination, and nowadays creative rangolies are tried a lot by women’s in regular rangolies, you can mix any shape along with simple design which shows your creativity 

ShriKrishna Rangolies Sample images & Video tutorial

You can try any of this type, you will easily draw it by practicing it repeatedly.
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